~~~The One Stop Mommy Spot~~~
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
  Everyday Pics From December
Cutey pie...always ready for a picture:
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And then he started anticipating the flash:
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Me and Snugglebug:
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Laughing his butt off:
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Just waking up? Drunk? Nope...anticipating that camera flash again:
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And here's what happens when Mommy gets bored and wonders what her fair-haired little boy would look like if you could see his eyebrows:

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Nothing like a good ol' chew on ducky:

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***The photo album that I still intend to use for loading full batches of pictures at the old Mommy Blog seems to be down. Once it's going again, I'll load them all up.
  Pictures From Christmas Morning
I know, I've been very re-miss in my blogging. Things have just seemed so busy lately, almost too much to bear somedays. Ah, such as life as a Mommy.

Well, they're a little overdue, but here are some pictures from Christmas Day. Unfortunately some of them didn't turn out that well, but we have a new camera now that takes wonderful pictures of our little angel.

"Whoo Hoo. Look at all those presents!"
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"I can do it. I can do it."

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"My first car. Who wants to go for a ride?"

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"Hey, it's Eeyore!"
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"Yahoo! Pooh and Tigger too!"

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"What's over there? More presents?"

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"How'd Santa know I like duckies so much?"

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"Ooh! This is from Nanna and Poppy. What is it? What is it?"
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"Hurray! Books. I'm gonna start them right away."

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***Mommy's personal favorite:
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"So many toys, so little time."

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Note from Ethan:
Thank you everyone. I had a wonderful first Christmas. I have the best family in the world.

Hugs, Kisses and Slobbers.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
  So Many Changes...
In such a short amount of time. It will never fail to amaze me how fast Ethan's growing up.

We've hit so many milestones in the past month it's been crazy.

He now has FIVE teeth. And I'm sure number six will be any day now. He's eating pretty much everything. He loves his veggies, his fruits, his meat...All of it! This morning he had some diced up pear. That went over quite well. He seems to really enjoy the small amount of food he gets to pick up and chew for himself, ie: banana, carrot, pear.

Well the days of his little "bunny hop" way of crawling are well over and done with. He's crawling away at full speed now. But I can almost guarantee that by this time next month he'll be walking. This revelation came to me two days ago when I went into my sweet little boy's room to get him from his nap and I got there just in time to see him try and pull himself up from the top of his crib, lose his grip, smack his head and scream. No problem...Mommy kisses and fixes. It's all better.

Off we go downstairs, have a change, a bottle and some playtime. E's on the floor crawling around - playing with his toys, Mommy's toes, whatever he can get at. His exersaucer's in there - he grabs the top and just as nice as you please...PULLS HIMSELF UP and STANDS ALL ON HIS OWN. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I'm so proud of him but...why do they have to grow up so fast?

Well it's just gone on from there. Last night he was in his playpen, I went in to see what he was up to and found him standing up, proud as you can be, looking over the side. Then this morning as I went in to get him from his crib, there he was standing straight up, playing with the blinds! Hands on the side of the crib just bouncing away. It's a good thing "Daddy" lowered the mattress the other night, but it sure won't be stopping Ethan from standing up.

Of course now that he knows he can do it, it's all he wants to do. Yup, all fun and games from here.

I'll post a pic soon for all to see. :o)

In the meantime, a certain little boy is up from his nap, standing up I'll bet. But...later today I'll have some pictures posted from Christmas and will be adding to the photo album on the original "Mommy Blog".

Everything to do with my new roll as Mommy, my life with the best "Daddy" in the world and our sweet little angel boy. Here I will share our milestones, memories, special moments, my thoughts, dreams, wishes and personal thoughts.

My Photo
Location: Pickering, Ontario, Canada

I'm an Avon rep here in good old Pickering, Ontario and can't wait to share my tips, tricks and insights about the products with you all. I'm also known as "Mom" to a beautiful little boy and "Sweetie" to the most wonderful fiancé in the world. And if all that isn't enough (3 year olds keep you VERY busy), I'm a writer and work in retail as well.